Monday, August 30, 2010


I haven't posted here forever!!!

I am working on a cami! I will post pictures soon.

Thursday, July 8, 2010


I haven't posted in a while. It's hard to post when your are is visual and you have no camera. I am knitting the lace skirt to a dress right now. The bust wont take more then a day when I cast it on to the edge. I hope to have it done soon and to have pictures somehow.

Saturday, June 12, 2010


Originally uploaded by theory trinket
I knitted a tam for Bridgetown Imprints. Nice lace thing. I plan to make another with thinner yarn.

I do need to buy my own head, this one is my mom's. I would like to be able to coat it and paint it.

Frankenstein of Awesomeness!

My dress is growing at an alarming rate. It makes me happy. Soon as I can get to radioshack I am buying cords for my camera and showing the world. :D

I don't have much to post other then that, the coffee today is good and it's a quiet day.

There were projects that happened with others that kinda got forgoten. We are going to figure out this contraption. :D

Thursday, June 10, 2010

... RE...Creation...

So I had to frog my first attempt at a dress. It was just ending up way to thick. Separated into 2 ply and started again and it's turning out fabulous. I'm really happy with it so far. I really am just knitting from the seat of my pants right now. I have general math but other then that it's just kinda growing on it's own.

I will be happy to show you the finished project even if it's ugly. It's a lesson of it's own.

I am oddly happy with my life right now. Things are as they always are, difficult and frustrating. However the lessons I have learned in the last year are ones that will fallow me through life. The path looks like the sun might come out for a moment and give me clarity. A moment to get my bearings before the dark drops again and I have to keep moving. I just hope I've been moving in the right direction so far.

Sunday, June 6, 2010


I've started a dress, it is going very well and I am very proud of it so far. I am sad that my camera is not working but my GrannyMas says new cords for camera 2 may be in store for my birthday. Ya!

It's a scrap yarn dress. I want to make matching thigh high stockings but I think I will separate the yarn into 2 ply first. so my stockings aren't to heavy.

More on my progress later.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Looking to the Sky!

I have started knitting an "Airship Pirate" dress I hope to make matching stockings. I will have in progress pictures soon. the colors look very candi for steampunk but the concept isn't. I think I might go get brown ribbon for the straps and a bow. then put the brown bow on the stockings too. that way I can wear a brown or a white petty coat with it. I think I can make the set very versatile.

On other news I have crochet a more correct style of doll. She is going to be pretty. The leg shape was fun but the hands hated me.

More on the flip side!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Haberdashery Returns!!!

The Jayne Cobb is DONE!!! Fineto! Finished! Here is the proof.

Logan sporting Rockabilly's Hat!

.... and....

Audri Sporting Rockabilly's Hat!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Jayne Cobb hat

The Jayne Cobb hat is almost finished. Should be finished today. I just have the top of the decrease to go and the earflaps. I have to look into how to make a pompom. There might be pictures soon if my boyfriend lets me use his camera. Luffles! I hope that Rockabilly will post pictures of the hat too!

Things there are going good. It's strange having someone new in my life. I like it very much. The chillins are being demanding this morning, so I best be off.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


The hats have been making. I am to finish this hat today or tomorrow. Then I start the hat for Rockabilly. I have to enjoy that my friends like my work.

Rockabilly, wants a Jayne Cobb style hat. I am going to have to make it a little different to get the durability I hope for in a hat. I think I am going to make another aviator style short row hat. I may have to make a small one for my son to make sure the color proportions are right. I will of course make it in other yarn.

I've been looking for inspiration. Things to knit, and how to knit things. I have a few sketches and ideas. I hope to be able to post pictures soon. Need to buy new camera cords.

Thursday, April 29, 2010


1932's Turner Entertainment
Tod Browning's
Align Center

I love that movie. I creates joy somewhere in my body. I'm not quite sure where. Maybe it's my tummy or my big toe. No matter where it does and it is good.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

I am, there fore I...

Create, Indulge, Enjoy, Doubt, Construct, Hope, Immortalize, Destruct, Distract, and other wise exist within my own mind. I have many things I love and many things I hate. Plenty I care nothing about neither negative or positive. My over all goal stays the same. To support the creation of a world I would wish to live in by my action and the people I surround myself with.

I wish only to be a toy. Something and someone who brings joy to those who connect with me. My tiny world evolves around simple things. Things that are pretty, shiny, cute, utilitarian, useful, and lovable. Some are the people I love, my family and friend. Others are the skills I have to create from with in me to give the world a bit of view into a reality that is not their own.

Theory of a Toyland Trinket,