Saturday, June 12, 2010


Originally uploaded by theory trinket
I knitted a tam for Bridgetown Imprints. Nice lace thing. I plan to make another with thinner yarn.

I do need to buy my own head, this one is my mom's. I would like to be able to coat it and paint it.

Frankenstein of Awesomeness!

My dress is growing at an alarming rate. It makes me happy. Soon as I can get to radioshack I am buying cords for my camera and showing the world. :D

I don't have much to post other then that, the coffee today is good and it's a quiet day.

There were projects that happened with others that kinda got forgoten. We are going to figure out this contraption. :D

Thursday, June 10, 2010

... RE...Creation...

So I had to frog my first attempt at a dress. It was just ending up way to thick. Separated into 2 ply and started again and it's turning out fabulous. I'm really happy with it so far. I really am just knitting from the seat of my pants right now. I have general math but other then that it's just kinda growing on it's own.

I will be happy to show you the finished project even if it's ugly. It's a lesson of it's own.

I am oddly happy with my life right now. Things are as they always are, difficult and frustrating. However the lessons I have learned in the last year are ones that will fallow me through life. The path looks like the sun might come out for a moment and give me clarity. A moment to get my bearings before the dark drops again and I have to keep moving. I just hope I've been moving in the right direction so far.

Sunday, June 6, 2010


I've started a dress, it is going very well and I am very proud of it so far. I am sad that my camera is not working but my GrannyMas says new cords for camera 2 may be in store for my birthday. Ya!

It's a scrap yarn dress. I want to make matching thigh high stockings but I think I will separate the yarn into 2 ply first. so my stockings aren't to heavy.

More on my progress later.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Looking to the Sky!

I have started knitting an "Airship Pirate" dress I hope to make matching stockings. I will have in progress pictures soon. the colors look very candi for steampunk but the concept isn't. I think I might go get brown ribbon for the straps and a bow. then put the brown bow on the stockings too. that way I can wear a brown or a white petty coat with it. I think I can make the set very versatile.

On other news I have crochet a more correct style of doll. She is going to be pretty. The leg shape was fun but the hands hated me.

More on the flip side!